Greetings of Peace!
On this occasion where all stakeholders of Mission Love (ML) gather in mind, heart, and spirit—even if not physically present in one place—to discuss matters that pertain to the nature and mission of ML, I wish to convey my spiritual support and prayerful best wishes.
The “love of Christ urges us on” (2 Cor. 5:14). This love which “has been poured out into our hearts, through the holy Spirit that has been given to us (Romans 5:5), incessantly urges us to seek out the lost, the last, and the least. The Church is no other than the big family of God; and in this family, no one should suffer from any lack, and no one should be burdened with excess.
If we were to assert that we are Christians, who are believers, followers, and disciples of Christ—then, it comes without saying that within our community, the community of believers, “there can never be room for a poverty that denies anyone what is needed for a dignified life (Deus Caritas Est, par.20). This, I believe, is the locus of the mission of Mission Love—where it originates, springs, buds forth, and unfolds. Urged by Christ’s love, we want that in the big family of God, no one is left out.
May the Lord bring to fruition, to fulfillment, all the good things He has been inspiring you all within your hearts!
Yours in the Lord,
Fr. Romel C. Ansay